Lisa Cary has been a bodyworker for 32 years and a Hanna Somatics practitioner for 23 years.
She is highly trained, qualified and certified in the following modalities:
- Hanna Somatic Education
- Licensed Massage Therapist
- RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapist)
- Licensed Hypnotherapist
- Clear Beliefs Coach
- EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
Her passion is assisting others to heal using a wholistic approach to health which includes the integration of body, mind and Spirit.
She has taught workshops and retreats in Somatic Intelligence offering her students the educational and experiential guidance to awaken their own innate healing capacities.
Lisa has a strong background in neurophysiology, nervous system regulation and a comprehensive knowledge of body movement and the mind/body connection.
She practices an “Inside-Out” approach to healing and has helped hundreds of people with pain, injury, illness and emotional suffering to heal themselves. She customizes every session to meet the needs of her clients utilizing powerful transformative tools such as Somatics, RTT, EFT and Clear Belief Coaching. Over 32 years of private practice and her own 7 year painful struggle with chronic sciatica she knows first hand that true healing comes from an inner transformation which includes going to the root cause of the issue and becoming conscious of it. Once it has been brought to light in consciousness it can be re-patterned in the brain and nervous system for lasting change.
She spent 7 years trying to “fix” herself using external methods of every kind using the Outside-In approach until she began to listen to her own body wisdom and found that the Innate Intelligence within held the keys she was looking for. Somatics gave her the awareness of her chronic tension patterns and she has now been pain free for 24 years. She now guides others to find their own Inner Healer by accessing the wisdom within the subconscious mind and re-patterning the body/mind.
I have lived daily with low back pain since an injury in 2007. Let me be clear, daily.low.back.pain. I worked with medical doctors, physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments, muscle relaxers, yoga, and massage therapy over the past eight years. I was able to achieve some level of relief at times. But I was never pain free in a 24 hour period. Then I met Lisa and took a core workshop with her. After one class, one 90 minute class, I am pain free for the first time in eight years. That was February 27, 2015. Awesome!
(6 months later….) Hi, Lisa. After six months, I am still pain free in my lower back! Unbelievable!
Victoria Cremins