Somatic Integration
Your life, ALL of your life is your path to awakening. As you embrace every aspect of your life, inner, outer, pleasant, unpleasant and say yes to its fierce and loving grace you awaken from the dream state.
Somatic Integration is a trauma sensitive, evidence based approach that integrates scientifically proven modalities for generating lasting transformation. It is an artful, interwoven approach which includes: Somatic Parts Work, Body-centered Process Work, and Presence Work to uncover innate resourcefulness, creativity and wisdom.
Somatic Integration begins with the recognition that each person is, at the core of their being, Whole and complete. Through the natural process of development we have acquired a self concept or image of ourselves and have forgotten who we truly are. Our minds have become clouded with beliefs, labels and self limiting concepts based mostly on early childhood experiences which create paradigms that form how we see the world. Most paradigms will become a self-reinforcing pattern that repeats until it is unlocked and made conscious. By sensitively attuning to what is arising within our lived experience we deepen self-awareness and tap into our intuitive understanding what is keeping us stuck.
Somatic Integration is the alchemical process of opening our humanity to our Divinity or Higher possibilities. Paradigms are transformed when we move from limiting beliefs to a new paradigm that is more expansive and in alignment with your life purpose now. The unconscious perspectives that are based on early childhood assumptions about who we are and what’s possible can only evolve when we become conscious and understand them.
The alchemy of transformation happens when we are willing to gently and compassionately begin to accept all of the parts of ourselves and bring them into the light of our Higher Self which is Love.
Integration occurs as we gradually remember that we are already Whole. We are born Whole as a complete human being.
Bringing awareness to our emotions is the magic key. When we’re aware of what’s happening, they lose their ability to make us miserable.
Somatic Integration is a synthesis of the following healing modalities and practices:
- Nervous System Regulation: Cultivating a resilient nervous system to regulate stress and trauma activation
- Somatic Movement: Gentle movement to bring neurological balance and harmony to body/mind
- Somatic Processing: Supportive and compassionate holding of undigested trauma or disruption held in the nervous system
- Sourcing Inner Wisdom through Deepening Contact with Self
- Somatic Parts Work: Befriending with compassion all the parts of ourselves.
- Tapping: EFT
- Healing Sounds
- Self Touch for Containment and self soothing
- Orientation Practices for anchoring in the present moment
- Bodywork
- Guided Meditation for accessing to higher brain
- Grounding & Centering
My Services

Somatic Bodywork Individual Sessions

Weekly Live Somatics Classes

Somatic Integrative Coaching Sessions

Organic Intelligence® for Post Trauma Growth

Spiritual Unfoldment Guidance
Words from my Clients