What is Somatics?
Somatics is Neuroplasticity.
Everything in life is comprised of patterns. We have patterns of moving, patterns of thinking, patterns of feeling, patterns of living, working, eating, relating, sleeping, walking. The foundational patterns were learned and formed as blueprints or maps in our brain very early in life. We learned how to walk, move, to think and feel experientially, mostly through trial and error and by the environmental influences of our childhood.
As children begin to make meaning of the world and build mental, physical and emotional patterns that formed the backbone of our belief system of “how things are”. These patterns becomes so familiar to us that we rarely question them because it’s “reality” and it feels permanent. The hardwired pathways in our brain that have etched these patterns into our subconscious mind feel so real and so familiar that we cannot imagine there is any other way to experience life.
Despite how you might be feeling, you’re not stuck with old patterns.
There is a way to unlock your innate potential for wholeness and healing. Working from inside out you can free yourself from the patterns that have kept you repeating the same behavior over and over again.
Somatics means “the living body as sensed from within.” To change any pattern on any level one must first experience a new pattern and then repeat it in order to replace the old one. This is the beauty of neuroplasticity. At any age we can grow new neural networks and replace outworn patterns with new life enhancing new ones.
This is the path of evolution. The innate spiritual impulse within is the seed of evolution pushing through the ground of our existence to expand upward into the sunlight. It is the destiny of an acorn to become an oak tree and it is our destiny to live a life that expresses our deeper desires and potentials. What’s holding you back?