Somatic Integration for Trauma Healing
Organic Intelligence®
While we all have a body but a surprising number of us humans don’t actually live in it. Unless we’re embodied in the physical experience of being alive we miss out on the vitality and joy of living life in a more expansive and connected way.
We miss out on the simple pleasures that our senses are offering us moment by moment that connect us with all of nature and life.
The human body has an innate ability to heal, grow, and be whole. Living in today’s modern world can be stressful and challenging. Acute traumatic events as well as long-term stressors can impact the mind and body leaving a person feeling stuck, disconnected from others, dys-regulated, stressed, or sometimes with a vague sense that life could be something more than this. Through support of the neurobiology using the methods found in Organic Intelligence®, it is possible for us to heal from past events and ongoing stressors to live a vibrant life in the present moment.
Organic Intelligence® is a gentle trauma safe approach which works with the innate intelligence of the nervous system and supports the harmonization of it’s natural cycles. It helps us feel at home in our biology. This revolutionary method works at the biological level and supports the orientation of the nervous system in the here and now rather than primarily focusing on revisiting the pain of past traumas and unprocessed events. Instead of the focus being on “what’s wrong” which leads to further disorganization, we can orient ourselves toward the goodness and help arising from our own being within our deeper nature. In Organic Intelligence® develop the capacity to build new neural pathways and re-sync our biology so that we’re not living from our survival brain but from the capacity.
As a certified Post-Trauma Growth O.I. Coach I provide genuine human connection, compassion, attunement and skillful guidance as we follow the intelligence of your nervous systems which is designed grow and to naturally heal and self-organize. Under the right conditions, which include safety and a warm embrace you as you are, your human physiology can self-heal, grow and become self-regulating.
Our work together will include working with the 5 different channels of experience: Image, Sensation, Feeling, Thought and Orientation to the environment through the senses. All of this supports the integration of the whole person in the present moment. Through deep listening and supportive reflection of the organizing impulses that are arising from your own physiology you begin to expand your capacity for enjoying life
You do not need to struggle through reliving the events of the past to achieve long lasting change.
My Services

Somatic Bodywork Individual Sessions

Weekly Live Somatics Classes

Somatic Integrative Coaching Sessions

Organic Intelligence® for Post Trauma Growth

Spiritual Unfoldment Guidance
Words from my Clients