In October, 2019, I had a bilateral mastectomy with no implants. I also had several lymph nodes removed which were free of cancer. After the surgery, I found that I had lost the strength and mobility in my right arm and shoulder. I tried numerous therapies including massage, reiki, physical therapy, yoga, EMDR trauma therapy, herbs, and more. After spending a tremendous amount of time and money, I finally found two things that worked synergistically: Acupuncture with Dr. Kabba Anand, and Somatics with Lisa Cary. In less than two months, I’ve found that I have almost full mobility back, and I’m now focusing on regaining my strength. This has been miraculous because previously, it felt like I had a rubber arm that just hung “dead” at my side; now, my arm and shoulder feel alive and vibrant! I highly recommend Lisa Cary and can vouch for her effectiveness as a true healer. Thank you so much for helping me regain my arm and shoulder mobility!

With sincere gratitude, Christine Lema