am AMAZED at what your classes are doing to my body. I was hoping to be better but I never ever imagined it would restructure my body like it does.

I have xrays (taken in 2011) of my neck. I have a military neck, even worse, the curve is going forward. Looking up was painful, turning the head was noisy and painful….

The other day, my husband is looking at my neck and he said he could tell my neck has a regular curve now! When I run on the beach it so much smoother, I don’t feel the bone to bone banging! He said my overall is a lot better.

From one day to another I can tell how my body is getting better. The last two classes focused on neck and upper body were amazing.

I haven’t met one person yet who knows what Somatics is! It is surprising that this method is not more popular since it actually works, is effortless, painless and can be practiced at home! I told my son about it and to tell all his friends.